College Street Church of Christ is a community of people who are trying to follow Jesus Christ. We are a diverse, loving community. You will be cared for here.
We are a part of the churches of Christ, a Christian body that grows out of the Restoration Movement. Each church is autonomous but tends to have a number of practices in common including:
- The use of Bible as the final authority of Christian belief and practice.
- The practice of a cappella worship, which means that we do not use instruments as a matter of preference and tradition.
- The practice of baptism for the remission of sins.
- The belief that we are saved by grace through faith.

Over all doctrinal debates we hold Jesus Christ as our Lord and welcome everyone to share in the work of God happening in this place. We are simply trying to be like Jesus. We want everyone to be loved as Jesus loved them, and we want to be a community that reflects that grace-filled love.
We hope you join us for class or worship, and even our monthly potluck (first Sunday of the month!) We look forward to sharing in the body of Christ with you!